extended essay global politics

IB Extended Essay Topics: Global Politics

In the complex world of international relations, the IB extended essay in Global Politics offers students a remarkable opportunity to investigate the intricacies of global dynamics. Choosing a topic is a critical step that reflects their eagerness to understand the forces that shape our global community. This article serves as a guide for young scholars, pointing them toward a variety of research areas within IB DP Global Politics.

World Studies Extended Essay Ideas

IB World Studies Extended Essay Ideas

IB students often face the challenge and opportunity of the extended essay in World Studies. This assignment provides a unique opportunity to explore global issues through an interdisciplinary lens, integrating knowledge from different IB subjects. More than an academic requirement, it’s a way into the heart of global concerns that encourages students to add their voice to the global conversation on pressing issues.

geography extended essay topics

IB Extended Essay Topics: Geography

Choosing a topic for your IB Extended Essay in Geography is an exciting and crucial step in your academic path. This important element of the IB Diploma Programme requires a deep engagement with your chosen issue, the ability to conduct independent research and the skill to articulate your findings effectively. Our article presents a range of fascinating Geography extended essay topics, each paired with a stimulating research question to spark your investigative curiosity.

Sports and health science ee topics

IB Extended Essay Topics: Sports and Health Science

Choosing the perfect topic for your IB Extended Essay in Sports and Health Science can be an important step towards academic success. This article offers a list of engaging and thought-provoking topics that span the fascinating intersection of sports, exercise and health science. Whether you’re interested in the physiological effects of exercise, the psychological aspects of sport, or the impact of nutrition on athletic performance, our curated list provides a diverse range of ideas to spark your curiosity and guide your research.

ee business and management

IB Extended Essay Topics: Business and Management

The extended essay in Business and Management invites students to explore the complexities and nuances of the business world through their unique perspectives. Tasked with applying critical thinking, analytical skills, and creative solutions to a self-chosen research question, students gain the opportunity to offer fresh perspectives in the field. This article aims to light the way for students by presenting various engaging topics and research questions that meet the stringent standards of the IB while igniting a genuine interest in the business domain.

extended essay topics physics

IB Extended Essay Topics: Physics

A comprehensive collection of IB Extended Essay topics in Physics, carefully selected to inspire and challenge IB Diploma students. From the mysteries of quantum mechanics to the practical applications of thermodynamics, this guide offers a variety of topics to suit different interests and research goals.

extended essay topics economics

IB Extended Essay Topics: Economics

Selecting an outstanding topic for your IB extended essay in Economics is the foundational step of your research process, arguably the most critical. As you begin this scholarly venture, the choice of topic will not only guide your research path but also define its significance, relevance, and contribution to the field of economics.

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Can Turnitin Detect Essays Bought Online?

In an academic landscape increasingly reliant on technology to uphold standards of integrity, Turnitin stands out as a crucial tool for educators and students alike. With the prevalence of online resources offering custom-written essays for purchase, a pressing question arises: Can Turnitin detect essays bought online?

how to avoid plagiarism in an essay

How to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Essay?

In tackling the challenge of writing an essay without falling into the pitfalls of plagiarism, it’s imperative to focus on originality and the proper acknowledgment of sources. As an experienced IB writer, I’ve learned that plagiarism isn’t just a matter of ethics; it’s about respecting the intellectual property of others and showcasing your own understanding and creativity.