Extended essay

ee research question

How to Create a Research Question for Your IB Extended Essay?

In this article, we take you step-by-step through formulating a precise and powerful research question that aligns with the IB criteria, sparks your curiosity, and sustains your engagement throughout the writing process. From choosing your topic to refining and evaluating your question, we provide expert tips and insights to help you lay a solid foundation for a successful extended essay.

extended essay topics

Using Extended Essay Topics That Are Already on the Internet. Is It Good?

Considering the pros and cons of using Extended Essay topics from the Internet is crucial for IB students facing the daunting task of topic selection. While the Internet offers a vast array of ideas and resources that can jump-start the research process and inspire creativity, it also poses risks such as lack of originality and potential academic integrity issues.

Philosophy EE

Philosophy Extended Essay Topics for IB

Philosophy challenges students to investigate and articulate complex ideas, often leading to more questions than answers. This article offers a diverse range of topics, from ethics and aesthetics to philosophy of mind and political philosophy, providing a starting point for students to develop their own arguments and perspectives.

Anthropology IB extended Essay

Anthropology IB Extended Essay Topics

Choosing a topic for your Anthropology IB extended essay is an exciting step that opens a window into diverse cultures, traditions, and societal changes. Whether you’re captivated by the cultural ramifications of global migrations, intrigued by the relationship between language and identity, or curious about the impacts of modern technology on traditional practices, there’s a wealth of possibilities awaiting your research.

Topics for Music Extended Essay

Topics for Music Extended Essay

Choosing a topic for your Music Extended Essay is a crucial step in your path through the IB Music course. This essay offers you the opportunity to focus in depth on a particular area of music that fascinates you, combining your passion for music with academic research to produce a comprehensive and insightful analysis. Whether you are drawn to the historical development of musical genres, the influence of cultural dynamics on music production, or the technical aspects of sound engineering, choosing the right topic is crucial to your success.

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