TOK Essay Prompt 5

Is it always the case that ‘the world isn’t just the way it is, it is how we understand it?

As an experienced International Baccalaureate tutor and writer, I have seen my fair share of various TOK essay prompts. Every now and then, one comes along that truly tickles my fancy. Today, I’ll be sharing my wisdom on one such November 2023 TOK essay prompts – the number 5: “Is it always the case that ‘the world isn’t just the way it is, it is how we understand it – and in understanding something, we bring something to it’ (adapted from Life of Pi by Yann Martel)? Discuss with reference to history and the natural sciences.” 

In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of unraveling this philosophical gem. Together, we’ll weave a tapestry of understanding to impress even the toughest TOK examiners. 

Strap in, and let’s get started!

How to work on TOK prompt 5?

Before we jump into the thick of things, breaking down the prompt and understanding its essence is crucial. The crux of this question revolves around the idea that our understanding of the world shapes the world itself. 

To tackle this prompt, you’ll want to focus on two main aspects: 

  • How our understanding of the world affects the world?
  • The extent to which this statement holds true in history and natural sciences.

First, brainstorm and jot down any thoughts and ideas that come to mind. Think about how our understanding of historical events or scientific discoveries has shaped or redefined the world we live in. Then, consider possible counterarguments or limitations of this statement.

Afterward, we need to structure our TOK essay. Begin with an introduction that sets the stage for your exploration of the topic. This will be followed by several body paragraphs discussing the arguments and counterarguments, referencing history and natural sciences as evidence. 

Finally, wrap it up with a conclusion that synthesizes the information and offers some final thoughts.

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The Best AOKs and WOKs with Examples

The Areas of Knowledge you should focus on for this prompt are history and the natural sciences. Both of these disciplines can provide ample examples of how our understanding shapes the world around us.

For history, consider the ways in which historiography, interpretation, and bias can affect our understanding of past events, and in turn, the present. 

For natural sciences, think about the role of scientific models, paradigms, and new discoveries in changing our understanding of the world.

Expanding upon the AOKs and WOKs for this TOK essay prompt, let’s delve deeper into some additional examples that can strengthen your arguments.

History AOK

For history AOK, consider the ways in which historical events have been reevaluated over time, such as the legacy of colonialism. Different perspectives, as well as shifts in cultural and political contexts, can alter our understanding of colonialism’s impact, leading to changes in historical narratives and our relationship with the past.

Another example could be the study of ancient civilizations, such as the Maya or Egyptians. As archeologists uncover new artifacts and employ new technologies, our understanding of these civilizations evolves, shaping our perception of their accomplishments and contributions to human history.

Natural Sciences AOK

In the natural sciences AOK, you might explore the changing understanding of the nature of light. Over the centuries, scientists have debated whether light is composed of particles or waves. Our current understanding, known as wave-particle duality, has fundamentally altered the way we view the behavior of light and other quantum phenomena.

Another example could be the discovery and understanding of infectious diseases. As scientific knowledge has progressed, our understanding of how pathogens spread and cause illness has transformed public health policies, medical treatments, and our perception of the interconnectedness of global health.

Is it always the case that 'the world isn't just the way it is, it is how we understand it?

WOKs for TOK Prompt 5

When referencing these examples, it’s important to connect them to relevant WOKs. For instance, you might explore how emotion can influence historians’ interpretations of past events, or how intuition can play a role in the development of scientific hypotheses.

Some other WOKs that are relevant for this topic include perception, reason, and language. 

Perception can be explored through the lens of how our senses and cognitive processes affect our understanding of history and natural sciences. Reason is crucial for developing logical arguments and counterarguments, while language is the medium through which we communicate and share our understanding of the world.

By incorporating a diverse range of real life examples and connecting them to appropriate AOKs and WOKs, you’ll create a well-rounded TOK essay that demonstrates a deep understanding of the prompt and showcases your ability to think critically about the nature of knowledge.

Start Writing Your IB TOK Essay on Prompt 5

As we reach the end of this enlightening exploration, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in the knowledge we’ve uncovered together. As an experienced IB tutor at, my goal has always been to help students like you navigate the complex and often intimidating world of TOK essays. 

I hope that the insights and guidance provided in this article have given you the confidence and inspiration to tackle November 2023’s prompt 5 with enthusiasm and curiosity.

However, if you still find yourself feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, fear not! The team of expert tutors at is here to help you. With our vast experience and passion for all things TOK, we can provide personalized assistance in TOK essay writing.

In the spirit of the prompt, I encourage you to remember that seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness, but rather an opportunity to bring something new to your understanding. 

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Need help with your IB TOK essay?

Unlock your potential and unleash the brilliance of your TOK essay with the help of our experts at! Whether you’re starting from scratch or fine-tuning your existing essay to meet the demands of your supervisor, our team is here to make your dream of a perfect paper a reality. Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to success with just one click.

By collaborating with our expert tutors, you’ll not only receive valuable feedback and guidance but also enrich your own perspective and strengthen your TOK essay. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to and let us help you make your TOK essay a masterpiece that truly reflects your understanding of the world.

All November 2023 TOK essay titles:

  1. Prompt 1: Are facts alone enough to prove a claim? Discuss with reference to any two areas of knowledge.
  2. Prompt 2: If “the mathematician’s patterns, like the painter’s and the poet’s, must be beautiful” (G.H. Hardy), how might this impact the production of knowledge? Discuss with reference to mathematics and the arts.
  3. Prompt 3: In the acquisition of knowledge, is following experts unquestioningly as dangerous as ignoring them completely? Discuss with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.
  4. Prompt 4: Is it problematic that knowledge is so often shaped by the values of those who produce it? Discuss with reference to any two areas of knowledge.
  5. Prompt 6: Faced with a vast amount of information, how do we select what is significant for the acquisition of knowledge? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.

In conclusion, whether you choose to embark on this TOK essay journey independently or with the support of our expert tutors, always remember that the beauty of the IB TOK program lies in the opportunity it provides to challenge our understanding of the world and ourselves. 

Embrace this prompt with an open mind and a willingness to explore new ideas, and you’ll undoubtedly discover a world of knowledge just waiting to be unraveled. Good luck, and may your TOK essay testify to your intellectual prowess and curiosity!

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