ee business and management

IB Extended Essay Topics: Business and Management

As someone with experience in the challenging International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, I understand the importance of choosing the right topic for your extended essay (EE). While daunting, this task is a significant step in your IB path. Today, I will give you some ideas for extended essay topics on IB Business and Management and tell you how to choose the best option.

All these topics were collected by BuyTOKEssay experts.

What Is EE in IB Business and Management?

Starting with the basics, the IB DP Business and Management course comprehensively researches real-world business challenges and practices. It demands analytical skills, critical thinking, and a creative approach to problem-solving.

From my experience, the extended essay on this subject provides a unique opportunity to dig into a topic of personal interest within the business world, allowing for a thorough investigation and analysis according to general IB criteria. This essay requires students to engage in independent research under the guidance of a supervisor, typically a teacher within their school who has expertise in the subject area. The EE in Business and Management is designed to challenge students to:

  • Develop Research Skills. Students learn to conduct thorough and effective research, including collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing data.
  • Apply Business Theories and Concepts. The essay encourages students to apply relevant business management theories and concepts to real-world scenarios or case studies.
  • Demonstrate Critical Thinking. This requires evaluating business practices, strategies, and outcomes from a critical perspective.
  • Cultivate Academic Writing Skills. Students enhance their academic writing ability by learning to structure a coherent and logically argued work.
  • Promote Independent Learning. The EE fosters self-directed learning, as students are responsible for planning, researching, and writing their essays with minimal direct supervision.

Completing the EE in Business and Management deepens students’ understanding of the subject. It helps develop skills valuable for future academic and professional pursuits, such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, and time management. Furthermore, the EE contributes to the overall IB Diploma score and is considered alongside the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) requirements in awarding additional points.

Find inspiration for your upcoming project with our detailed article on Design Technology IA topics, featuring the latest trends and tips.

extended essay topics business management

Business and Management Extended Essay: Topic Ideas

Here are some topic ideas, each accompanied by a suggested research question, to inspire your investigation:

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Closer Look at Tech Giants. How do tech giants’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices affect their brand reputation and customer loyalty?
  2. Marketing Strategies for Start-Ups in Competitive Markets. What marketing strategies are most effective for start-ups in highly competitive markets to gain market share?
  3. The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses. How has the rise of e-commerce platforms impacted traditional retail businesses’ sales and customer base?
  4. Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance. How do different leadership styles impact employee satisfaction and organizational performance in the finance sector?
  5. The Role of Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Growth. How does innovation contribute to the growth and sustainability of SMEs in the renewable energy sector?
  6. The Effectiveness of Loyalty Programs in the Airline Industry. How effective are loyalty programs in enhancing customer retention and profitability in the airline industry?
  7. Supply Chain Management Challenges During Global Crises. What are manufacturing companies’ main supply chain management challenges during global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic?
  8. Ethical Considerations in Advertising: A Youth Perspective. How do ethical considerations in advertising influence the purchasing decisions of the youth demographic?
  9. The Influence of Cultural Differences on International Business Strategies. How do cultural differences influence the development and implementation of international business strategies?
  10. Sustainability Practices and Their Financial Implications for Businesses. What are the financial implications of implementing sustainability practices for businesses in the fashion industry?
  11. Consumer Behavior Changes Due to Technological Advancements. How have technological advancements changed consumer behavior in the smartphone industry?
  12. Human Resource Strategies for Enhancing Employee Engagement. What human resource strategies most effectively enhance employee engagement and productivity in remote work settings?
  13. The Impact of Social Media on Small Business Growth. How has social media marketing impacted the growth of small businesses in the food and beverage industry?
  14. Business Ethics: Analyzing the Fast-Food Industry. What are the primary ethical challenges faced by the fast-food industry, and how do they address them?
  15. Globalization and Its Effects on Local Businesses. How does globalization affect local businesses in emerging markets, and what strategies can they employ to thrive?
  16. Impact of Branding on Consumer Purchase Decisions in the Cosmetic Industry. How does branding affect consumer purchase decisions in the cosmetic industry?
  17. Financial Strategies for Surviving Economic Downturns in the Hospitality Sector. What financial strategies are most effective for businesses in the hospitality sector to survive economic downturns?
  18. Corporate Governance and Its Impact on Company Performance. How does corporate governance impact the performance and accountability of companies in the pharmaceutical sector?
  19. Online Customer Service and Business Success. How does online customer service quality affect the success and customer satisfaction levels of e-commerce businesses?
  20. Workplace Diversity and Its Effect on Innovation. How does workplace diversity influence innovation and creativity within multinational corporations?
  21. Digital Marketing Trends in the Fashion Industry. What are the latest digital marketing trends in the fashion industry, and how do they affect consumer engagement?
  22. Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Success Factors for Start-Ups. What are the main challenges start-ups face in the tech industry, and what factors contribute to their success?
  23. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Customer Experience. How is artificial intelligence used to enhance customer experience in the banking sector?
  24. Sustainable Supply Chain Practices in the Automotive Industry. How are sustainable supply chain practices being implemented in the automotive industry, and what are their impacts?
  25. Crisis Management Strategies for Natural Disaster Impact on Businesses. What crisis management strategies are effective for businesses in regions prone to natural disasters?
  26. The Effect of Organizational Culture on Business Success. How does organizational culture impact the success and growth of businesses in the technology sector?
  27. Influence of Global Economic Policies on Emerging Markets. How do global economic policies influence the stability and growth of emerging markets?
  28. Consumer Perceptions of Ethical Fashion. How do consumer perceptions of ethical fashion influence their buying behavior?
  29. Business Models for Sustainable Development in Rural Areas. What business models are effective for promoting sustainable development in rural areas?
  30. The Role of Social Responsibility in Consumer Trust and Loyalty. How do a company’s social responsibility initiatives impact consumer trust and loyalty in the food industry?
  31. Evaluating the Risks and Benefits of Outsourcing. What are the risks and benefits of outsourcing for companies in the software development industry?
  32. Impact of Government Regulations on Small Business Growth. How do government regulations impact the growth of small businesses in the healthcare sector?
  33. Marketing Strategies for Reaching Generation Z. What marketing strategies are most effective for reaching Generation Z consumers?
  34. Financial Analysis of Green Investment Trends. How do green investment trends impact the financial performance of companies in the energy sector?
  35. The Influence of E-commerce on Consumer Spending Habits. How has the rise of e-commerce platforms influenced consumer spending habits?
  36. The Impact of Virtual Reality on Consumer Shopping Experiences. How is virtual reality technology transforming consumer shopping experiences in the retail sector?
  37. Analyzing the Business Model of Subscription-Based Services. What are the key factors contributing to the success of subscription-based services in the entertainment industry?
  38. The Role of Data Analytics in Decision-Making Processes. How do businesses in the telecommunications sector utilize data analytics to improve decision-making processes and operational efficiency?
  39. The Effectiveness of Remote Work on Business Productivity and Employee Well-Being. How has the shift to remote work affected productivity and employee well-being in IT companies?
  40. The Influence of Eco-friendly Packaging on Brand Image and Sales. How does the use of eco-friendly packaging influence brand image and sales in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector?
  41. Augmented Reality (AR) in Retail. How is augmented reality technology changing the shopping experience in the fashion retail industry?
  42. The Role of Microfinance in Economic Development. How do microfinance institutions contribute to economic development in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa?
  43. Healthcare Delivery Innovations. How are innovations in healthcare delivery systems improving patient care in developing countries?
  44. Impact of Tourism on Local Economies. What are the economic impacts of sustainable tourism on local communities in Southeast Asia?
  45. Media Strategies for Public Health Campaigns. How effective are different media strategies in promoting public health campaigns during pandemics?
  46. Corporate Partnerships and Innovation. How do strategic partnerships foster innovation within the automotive industry?
  47. The Influence of Non-Profit Organizations on Public Policy. How do non-profit organizations influence public policy decisions in the environmental sector?
  48. Risk Management in Financial Services. How do banks in the European Union manage risks associated with digital currency transactions?
  49. The Role of Consumer Advocacy Groups in Product Development. How do consumer advocacy groups influence product safety and innovation in the toy industry?
  50. Business Adaptations to Climate Change. How are businesses in coastal regions adapting their operations in response to climate change risks?
  51. Telemedicine Adoption in Healthcare. How has the adoption of telemedicine technologies changed healthcare delivery models in North America?
  52. Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Transparency. How is blockchain technology used to enhance transparency and traceability in the global seafood supply chain?
  53. Impact of Gender Diversity on Board Decision-Making. How does gender diversity on corporate boards impact decision-making processes in Fortune 500 companies?
  54. Role of Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service. How is artificial intelligence shaping customer service practices in the telecommunications industry?
  55. Ethical Sourcing in the Coffee Industry. How do ethical sourcing practices affect major coffee chains’ brand value and customer loyalty?
  56. Impact of Urban Farming on Local Markets. How does urban farming influence local food markets and restaurant sourcing practices in large metropolitan areas?
  57. Business Continuity Planning in Natural Disasters. How do small businesses in hurricane-prone areas prepare for and recover from natural disasters?
  58. Investment Trends in Virtual Reality. What are the emerging investment trends in virtual reality applications within the entertainment industry?
  59. Corporate Strategies for Aging Populations. How are healthcare companies developing products and services specifically for aging populations in developed countries?
  60. The Gig Economy and Labor Markets. How is the gig economy reshaping labor market dynamics in the European Union?

These topics can spark a deep investigation into various facets of Business and Management.

How to Choose Your Topic in Business and Management EE?

This decision should be guided by personal passion, academic curiosity, and practical considerations. Here are some strategies and considerations to help you.

Reflect on Your Interests and Passions

First and foremost, think about the areas of Business and Management that intrigue you. From my experience, a topic that resonates with your interests or career aspirations will keep you motivated throughout the research process. Ask yourself which lectures sparked your curiosity or which business news stories you find yourself drawn to.

Assess the Feasibility and Scope of Research

While passion is essential, feasibility is equally crucial. Consider the availability of primary and secondary resources. According to general IB criteria, your question should be specific enough to allow for in-depth analysis within the word limit but broad enough to provide sufficient scope for research.

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Need Help with Your IB Extended Essay?

Maximize your potential and boost your Extended Essay’s excellence with the help of our experts! Whether starting from scratch or fine-tuning your existing assignment to meet your supervisor’s demands, the team is here to make your dream of a perfect paper a reality. Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to success with just one click.

Consult With Teachers and Peers

Discussions with your teachers and peers can provide valuable insights and feedback on your topic choice. Teachers, especially those with experience in the IB Business and Management curriculum, can offer guidance on the suitability and scope of your proposed research question.

Consider the Global Context

For example, researching how cultural differences influence marketing strategies across countries or investigating the impact of global economic policies on local businesses can provide a rich, comparative analysis that aligns with the international-mindedness valued by the IB.

Align with IB Criteria

Finally, ensure your topic aligns with the IB’s criteria for the extended essay. Your essay research question should allow you to demonstrate an understanding of business theories and concepts, apply analytical and evaluative skills. The topic should also enable you to formulate a clear, focused research question.


So, take the plunge! Start brainstorming and researching early, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your teachers or mentors. With dedication, insight, and creativity, your extended essay can highlight your IB experience and offer a profound insight into the dynamic world of Business and Management. Also, remember that our IB writers are always ready to help you with extended essay writing.

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