One of the main components of the IB DP has always been the extended essay, which gives students a unique chance to do independent research. I have a lot of experience working with IB students, so I can attest to how the EE may influence academic performance and personal development. However, keeping abreast of the most recent developments is essential if you want to succeed in this component. Because of this, I’m thrilled to provide the latest extended essay requirements updates for the years 2025/2026.
What Is the IB Extended Essay?
The extended essay, independently researched and assessed writing, is a required component of the IB Diploma Program. It allows students to perform in-depth research on a particular topic using either an interdisciplinary or subject-focused approach.
Per the overall IB criteria, the EE writing assignment involves investigating a topic that interests you and creating a coherent argument. It fosters critical thinking, data analysis, and effective concept communication in students. It also teaches you how to arrange and concisely convey complex knowledge, which promotes academic independence.
Students who choose topics they are enthusiastic about often find the process more enjoyable, in my experience. You may combine two DP subjects for an interdisciplinary viewpoint, or you can concentrate on one of your six chosen subjects. This makes room for original research questions that capture intricate problems in the actual world. For instance, you may investigate psychological theories using literary analysis or look at the financial effects of environmental regulations. The options for your essay are really limitless!
Why Are the 2025/2026 Updates Important?
I know that the new EE focuses on interdisciplinary research, enabling students to integrate knowledge from two DP subjects to answer challenging questions. This innovative method promotes a more thorough grasp of the topic and critical thinking.
However, a subject-focused approach is still a good choice, especially for students interested in only one field. Even if you have a strong interest in Biology, History, or Economics, you can still write an engaging and perceptive paper.
Therefore, the updates on the 2025/2026 extended essay requirements really improve the educational process. These updates impact your topic selection, research methodology, and presentation of your results. In my view, knowing these adjustments may improve your performance.
One of the most notable updates is the focus on transdisciplinary research. This comprehensive approach to problem-solving pushes students to look beyond conventional subject boundaries. Furthermore, the improved reflection component emphasizes developing transferable skills, including critical thinking, time management, effective communication, and personal growth.
Additionally, the EE earns points alongside the Theory of Knowledge, which goes toward your final IB Diploma score. Thus, you may increase your chances of receiving the best possible diploma grade if you know the most recent Extended Essay requirements.
Extended Essay 2025/2026 Course Content Changes
The Latest extended essay requirements for 2025/2026 bring exciting updates to the course content, boosting your learning experience and allowing for greater flexibility in research.
Interdisciplinary or Subject-Focused Research
One of the most considerable modifications to the most recent extended essay requirements is the creation of two separate research pathways—the subject-focused and the interdisciplinary. With this change, students have greater freedom to approach their research and may customize their essays to their academic talents and areas of interest.
The interdisciplinary pathway combines the viewpoints of two DP subjects to enable a more thorough investigation of complex problems. This method is intriguing because it promotes critical thinking and innovative problem-solving. For example, you may use computer science and sociology to study how technology affects culture.
Students who desire to investigate a particular field thoroughly will benefit most from a subject-focused pathway. This pathway enables you to offer a well-supported argument and conduct a comprehensive investigation of a subject you are interested in.
In my experience, each pathway has unique benefits. Choose the one that most closely matches your research question and interests.

Struggling with your IB reflective project? Find out how to choose the perfect topic, analyze ethical dilemmas, and write a high-scoring project.
Removal of Categories for Language A and B Essays
Another significant change is eliminating specific categories for Language A and Language B essays. In the past, students had to choose from predetermined categories, such as cultural studies or literary analysis. Now that these categories have been eliminated, you can investigate various topics more freely and flexibly.
This modification enables students to approach language-based EEs more creatively. For instance, rather than being limited to a conventional literary study, you may investigate the function of language in forming cultural identities or examine how social media affects language development. This broader focus pushes you to consider the effects of language on society more critically and makes your research more relevant.
This change creates new opportunities to investigate literary, cultural, and linguistic topics without being limited to pre-established categories. Additionally, it enables you to use interdisciplinary viewpoints by fusing ideas from IB history, sociology, psychology, and language studies.
Improved Reflection Process
Reflection is emphasized as an ongoing and significant component of the EE writing process in the Most Recent Extended Essay Requirements. The revised requirements include reflection throughout the research process, unlike prior years when it was often considered an afterthought. With your supervisor, you will take part in three official reflection sessions:
- Initial reflection. Clarifying your research question and creating a well-thought-out essay outline are the goals of this session. It’s a chance to discuss your preliminary concepts, point out any obstacles, and describe your research strategies.
- Interim reflection. The main goals of this session are to assess your development, address any obstacles you may encounter, and modify your research strategy as needed. It’s an opportunity to consider what is and is not functioning well and ask your supervisor for input.
- Viva Voce reflection. It’s a chance to discuss your educational path, consider your difficulties, and explain how you overcame them.
In my experience, these reflection sessions are quite helpful for maintaining academic integrity and increasing self-awareness.
Changes to the Extended Essay Assessment Model
The new model adds more detailed instructions to assist you in grasping precisely what is needed at each step of the essay while keeping the elements of the old criteria. Thanks to these updates, you can concentrate on showcasing your talents methodically, which, in my view, makes the assessment process more transparent.
Framework for the Essay (6 Marks)
The general structure of your essay is among the first things that reviewers consider. This part covers the application of structural conventions, the appropriateness of your research methodologies, and the clarity of your research question. This criteria examines how effectively you organized your research and whether your essay makes sense. In my view, a clear framework strengthens your argument since it leads the reader step-by-step through your reasoning.
Make sure your research question is precise, focused, and pertinent to your subject of choice if you want to succeed in this field. Avoid broad or ambiguous questions since they might make your essay seem unfocused. Use relevant research methodologies for your topic and clearly justify your selections.
Knowledge and Understanding (6 Marks)
These criteria assess your level of knowledge and comprehension of the topic you’ve selected. It evaluates your engagement with pertinent sources and your demonstration of a deep understanding of the subject. This is where background research is critical. You must demonstrate your knowledge of the topic and your understanding of the background and complexities of the problem you are researching.
Analysis and Line of Argument (6 Marks)
This criterion focuses on your capacity to evaluate data and build a reasoned, solid argument. Presenting data or describing facts is insufficient; you must also interpret your results, discuss their implications, and develop a coherent line of reasoning that answers your research question. Your essay should show that you can analyze the data, spot trends, and reach insightful conclusions.
To achieve this, concentrate on analysis rather than just description. Ask yourself “why” and “how” questions. When writing on the effects of social media on mental health, for instance, don’t just provide numbers; instead, examine the underlying causes of these patterns and consider other possible answers.

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Discussion and Evaluation (8 Marks)
This criterion assesses your capacity to critically evaluate the impact of your essay and present your results fairly and impartially. Reflective thinking is necessary, taking into account both the advantages and disadvantages of your research. In my view, this is the area where intellectual maturity is most noticeable since it shows that you can think critically and appreciate how complicated your topic is.
Discuss your results from a fair point of view if you want to succeed in this field. Examine different interpretations and respond to any possible rebuttals.
Reflection (4 Marks)
The reflection criteria evaluate how well you analyze your educational experience and consider your development as a learner. Consider how the research process affected your critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-management abilities and what you learned about your topic. In my view, sincere self-reflection improves your EE and advances your academic and personal growth.
To succeed in this area, record your progress and assess your decisions using the three official reflection sessions (initial, interim, and final). Be truthful and detailed in your remarks to demonstrate genuineness and intellectual interest.